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Building Great
Futures Since 1967
The Boys & Girls Club of Camarillo has been in the forefront of local youth development since 1967, when our club was founded. The Boys & Girls Club of Camarillo is open to all youth between the ages of 6 and 18, regardless of where they live or their ability to pay.
To encourage the participation of as many boys and girls as possible, we keep our fees at an affordable $100 per year for the first child and $60.00 each for any additional children, and scholarships are available. We also offer transportation from local schools to the Club at a very affordable fee. No one is ever turned away for financial reasons.

Our Mission
The mission of the Boys & Girls Club of Camarillo is to enable all young people, especially those who need us
most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Our goal is to provide every child with the essential tools needed for a successful and bright future.
Since 1967, the vision of Boys & Girls Club of Camarillo has grown and changed with the needs of our children. As the needs of our children and their families continue to change, so will the dynamics of our programs and services.
What Our Community is Saying
"You make it possible for me to have peace of mind while I’m at work. I know my childrenhave a safe place to go that will give them educational and social skills to help them in the future."
– A Club Parent
“You make it possible for our entire community to benefit by providing a fun, safe and organized place for our kids. It’s a fact—Boys & Girls Club members are far less likely to be involved in risky behavior or to become victims of crime."
– Eric Tennessen, Camarillo Police Chief
"I like going to a place where I feel safe and where I feel like I belong. I think I do better in school because of the Club."
– A Club Member
Contact Us
Phone: 805-482-8113, Ext. 301
Email: roberto@bgccam.org
CARLOS FLORES, Director, Director of Programs
Phone: 805-482-8113, Ext. 304
Email: carlos@bgccam.org
JENNIE PARKINSON, Director of Development
Phone: 805-482-8113, Ext. 309
Email: jennie@bgccam.org
KATLYN SIMBER-CLICKENER, Director of Operations
Phone: 805-482-8113, Ext. 310
Email: katlyn@bgccam.org
Phone: 805-482-8113, Ext. 1
Email: yes@bgccam.org
1500 Temple Avenue, Camarillo, CA 93010
805-482-8113 • bgccam.org
Email: admin@bgccam.org